The postgraduate studies I want to do after university

Honestly, I haven't thought about it. I guess now is a good time eh.

So, besides journalism, I have some other areas I want to cover too. I mean, that's why we all choose journalism over other carreers no? You can study virtually whatever you want after this and you can still make something out of it right?



The first one I have is investigative journalism. I have been paying attention to the new media outlet that has been progressing in this topic. Sadly, in Chile we only have one big media dedicated exclusively to make investigative journalism and that's CIPER. There are some few other attemps like, but in this side of Latinamerica we are in debt in that area. That's because in other countries like Peru, Mexico and Paraguay there's a ton of media dedicated to investigative journalism, like La Silla Vacía, Animal Político, Ojo Público and quite some others.

That leads me to my second possible postgraduate interest and that is multimedia journalism. Because we are no longer anchored to the newspappers like 15 or 20 years ago, the ways of telling this same stories has changed radically. We are no longer tied to a linear (and boring) way of giving striking news: we can mix audiovisual products with interactive pages that allow us new to keep the public attention for longer times, at the same time we get an even stronger impact that we would have in a piece of papper. A quick example: this multimedia story of The New York Times tell us about the avalanche at a tunnel in Washington. The story itself isn't that much atractive, but is the resources TNYT uses that makes it so interesting to read (and watch and interact to).

I don't have any specific university in my mind where I want to get a postgraduate, and that's because most of the courses are not given in any. Most of those kind of courses are given by the same people working in this new media. For example: CIPER, despite working very closely with Universidad Diego Portales, is giving this courses by its own team of journalists. That's because most of this media are not in a very stable economic position and they don't work for any major company (in Chile CIPER used to receive some founds of COPESA, but since this year they have cut it in half), so they need to raise found by themselves. But if I have to pick one place I would like to learn, it would be with the TNYT team. When we talk about transmedia journalism and quality storytelling, they are waaaaay ahead of latinamericans in general (despite us having quite some exponents, like La Silla Vacía in Paraguay).

And that's basically it.


  1. Better become a Fornite commentator. There is more money.

  2. Maybe you could create your own investigate media company. Starting undergound and growing to become the biggest invesitagte media in Chile. That would be awesome


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