The best holidays I ever had? More like a long story about how much of a stupid I am... in the beach

I gotta be honest, I haven't went out of Santiago a lot. At least not for holidays: almost all of my maternal family lives in Ñipas, a little town near Chillán, so I go there like 2 or 3 times in a year, but mostly for nothing like holidays. For example my aunt Ana is a beekeeper and she always is requiring pots for the honey she gets, so my brother takes her a few hundreds, and my mother and I go as well just for fun. But I don't consider those trips as vacations because that would mean that I go to relax from the daily routine and... well, most of those travels are in laboral week so... yeah, basically I'm all of that time worrying about what is happening in Santiago. 

Enough filling, lets get down to bussiness. But before I start telling you about my bets holiday I had I have to warn you: my memory is fragile. Like, 98 years fragile. So most of what I'm about narrate is probably a fan-fiction of the real story. Sorry not sorry. 

I was like 8 years old and the brother of my grandma invited her and me to his house on the beach. Which beach? I can't remember. It had sand. Some water. Maybe I eated fish. I almost drowned. It was a beach, ok? Moving on. 

The house was on the top of a little hill, so I could see all of the city. Which was nice. But the streets were inclined, so when you got there you got almost suffocated because it was all the way up. Which was bad. And there was this girl. Which was... a girl, I guess. People aren't good or bad. Her name was Veronica. It wasn't, but lets call her Veronica because I can't remember. 

In this part of the story you gotta understand the little Azarias. This ugly bastard was shy as hell, and he didn't get along with other kids. Not because he was an introverted genius, a reflexive soul, but because he was the most clumsy guy in the whole galaxy. Literally he couldn't even go to the market to buy a juice if his life depend on it. So this little dude went to a city he didn't know (a city? Maybe it was in Valparaíso), with just her grandma, an old dude he even knew at that moment of his life, and the granddaughter of  him (Carola, if I remember right. I haven't spoke with her for quite the time). Little Azarias was terrified.

And then came this girl (who was a friend of Carola) and the first thing she says when she meet me is "hey, lets be friends", take me by the hand and drag me to the street. I was petrified. Not only I was clumsy but also had a little fear of women in general. But... it felt nice.

Now, I'm not gonna copy-paste a hero's journey step by step (mostly because I bet y'all are already bored), but I know you know where this story is going: the little fella is timid in the beginning, but slowly the girl wins his heart just by his outgoing personality, the girl is harassed by some older dudes (likes 10 years old) and the guy has to intimidate them -which was and cringy disaster, but it kinda worked TOXIC MASCULINITY AMIRITE??- , and at the end of the story, when he has to go back to Santiago promises her that they would keep in touch. 

Obviously it didn't happen, I only had access to internet when I was like 12 and before internet I don't know how humans communicated with each other, I'm not a cave man.

Later on, when I was like 15 years old, my great uncle remembered that time we went on holidays to the beach, and remembered the little girl who became my friend so fast. He told me that Veronica was also a shy girl, one of the only friends she had was my cousin and that until that day she still remembered me. I was kinda shocked with the last, because despite the fact that I forgot her she still was expecting for me to come back for a few days. I felt like crap, man.

I'm not saying that she fell in love with me (in fact it's more probably that I had a crush on her a little bit), but the fact that, despite being also shy she still wanted to keep in touch with me was a mixed feeling: a bit of shame because I forgot her, but also a little bit of happiness. I mean, something good i had to had to be remembered, right?

And that girl was Albert Einstein himself.

If you where expecting that the girl dies at the end LOL you just got bazinged, go read some John Green book. This isn't that remarcable story but as I said I haven't went out Santiago a lot, so this is all I have, peace.


  1. So you ended getting laid with Albert Einstein or it ended in a serious reliantoship?


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