Social networks? More like... social crapwork AMMIRITE FELLAS? (Or why you shouldn't even post on Blogger)

A little context: I never had any kind of interest in internet security until last semester. I used to think that we shouldn't care about internet data security because that thing didn't even exist, some hacker in North Korea is always ready to drain all your founds from your CuentaRut at any time of the day so Kim Jong-un could continue torturing some panda babys in his secret malevolent lab.

That was until I had a class in the past semester called Multimedia practices and theory. And now I don't have such a grim view of the internet, not anymore. Now it's far worst.

You see, it's not that I have fear of some fat incel with a Guy Fawkes mask in his dark room cracking bank's web pages and potentially destroying some little african country's economy. Because now I fear this guy.

Yep, now I fear the policies of the big social networks like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp (the three of them owned by the reptilian above), Google, Spotify and so on and so on. You see, when you accept the term and conditions of any website -yes, those you never read don't lie to me- most of the time you give the distribution rights of the content that account creates. The page will never disown you from the author rights of that content: you and only you will be the "creator" of it and neither Facebook or Instagram or Google will try to steal it from you. Because they don't need to. Those guys have the right to use that content in whatever way they want to. Your photo with your couple in the beach? Probably used in a subway in Taiwan to promote a traveling company. That post you made drunk where you made threats against United States for the Gulf War? The FBI didn't laught at it. Your personal data like the brands that you love? Thanks! Now some french publicist has some great ideas for commercials. 

And you will not get a damn dollar out of it, because that exactly what means to give the distribution rights. 

Probably you are thinking "oh, I should delete all my personal data ASAP". It's doesn't work like that. All the information that you create (personal data, pages that you had interactions with, your comment record, basically ALL THE THING THAT CAN BE LINKED TO YOU ACCOUNT) will be stored in a data center. Other people won't be able to see it (let's say your friends), but the company itself (like Google) will still have that information and will still have the right to do whatever they want with it.

Sooooo... yeah, we are kinda fucked.

By the way, I learned most of this conspiracy crap with some videos that Andrea Hoare (the teacher of the class I mencionated before, I love you profe) reccomended to us, like this one:

So, to anwser the questions: no, I try to post the least information possible in the internet (but that doesn't matter that much); my favourite social media is Facebook because I can call moronics pieces of shit to the fuckers who make racist comments on Radio Bio Bio (mea culpa), aaand, that's pretty much it. 

NO WAIT, a last fact: Blogger belongs to Google. 



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