My favourite movie of all time

This is the time one realises the uncultured swine one is. I mean, I can't even remember the movies that moved me to tears, or made me feel something intense. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite a cry baby, the kind that can cry over a beautiful dog on Facebook. It's just that I can't remember, simple as that.

I could mention a few that hit me. Maybe... The Wall? You know, the movie about Pink Floyd but it isn't about Pink Floyd (IM TALKING TO YOU WATERS YOU NARCISISTIC PIECE OF SHIT). I saw it when I was like 13 or 14 years old, so all of it when right through me because I was living that existencialist teen-like phase. I could understand most of the feeling of Pink: the abandonment, the loneliness, the anxiety of a chaotic world and all that crap. The worst (and best) of it was when Pink didn't improved his life when he grew older but all went even worst because he was a fundamentally broken and malfunctioning human being. This movie gave me 3 years of depression absolutely free. Thanks Roger Waters, I hate you. Prick.

The thing that I have with The Wall is that, I think, it need a special kind of viewer to overcome the anxiety it gives to you. The end of the movie can be easily interpreted as the unavoidable annihilation of the self at hands of society. That's what I understood for quite the time. So... no. The Wall, I like you but go to hell.

Other movie could be... V for Vendetta. You know, that movie that screwed over the hacktivist movement until today with that ugly Guy Fawkes mask.
Resultado de imagen para guy fawkes meme

Despite that I found it a very interesting film. The messianic figure of V, with all of his mythological background and his sai-based kung-fu combat style, mixed with a boring but dangerous post-apocalyptic world and the dangers of the hard right wing politics taking control over England... I don't know, it seems to me like a necessary turn of the screw to the distopic genre. And the end, when the people of the country, no longer alienated over the lies of his goverment march over the House of Lords to see the fall of the totalitarian state... To the leftist living inside me it was like a fresh air of hope...

You know what? Fuck it. It's The Room. I love The Room. I saw it like 4 nights ago (it's on YouTubeIt's the best movie ever made because it's directed by a dude with the understanding of human interactions of an alien. That's it. I hate humankind and I love aliens. 

Oh hi Mark.


  1. The Room is the best movie in the entired world! I will saw that great movie again today

  2. It is true that not everyone knows how to appreciate the background and the message that this film delivers, but it is recommended for those who enjoy movies.


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